Monday, October 7, 2019

The causes and effects of Global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The causes and effects of Global warming - Essay Example Statistics indicate that in the last 100 years, the temperatures have risen by approximately 0.8 o C and it is projected that this will continue to worsen as it is expected that the rise could reach 1.7o C in the next few years if stern measures are not taken to avert this catastrophe (Christian 28). Global warming mainly results from over concentration of carbon dioxide (co2) and other harmful gases, such as methane and nitrous oxide, in the atmosphere (Michaels 40). This is due to the fact that these gases have the capability to trap heat from the sun and storing it to the extent that temperatures in the surroundings remain extraordinarily higher than normal. In order to understand this, one may use the example of a car, which, when left outside, allows sun rays to penetrate through the windows thereby raising the temperatures inside, which cannot go down unless the windows or the doors are opened in order to allow cool fresh air to circulate. Human beings are the ones to blame for this catastrophe as they have continued to conduct activities, which are major sources of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses. These are for example air pollution through gaseous emissions from industries and heavy machinery such as motor vehicles which utilize fossil fuels. The world’s car population has continued to explode and though this may be perceived as a positive trend in economics as it is good for business, it is a major threat to the environment especially due to the fact that most of these vehicles use petrol and diesel as fuel. Statistics indicate that the number of cars worldwide exceeded the 1 billion mark as at the year 2010 and it is estimated that this number will significantly increase to 2.5 billion by the year 2050 (Michaels 66). From these statistics, the US is ranked as the leading country, with approximately 240 million cars followed by China, which has approximately 78 million cars. It is not a wonder then to have reports indicate that the tr ansport sector contributes approximately 25% of greenhouse gas emissions (Christian 52). This may also explain why reports indicate that the US is the leading country with regard to greenhouse gas emissions. China and the US are two major economic houses, which have the capability and economic muscle to develop and influence the world to utilize better technologies that are friendlier to the environment. For example, they can lead the way in convincing their citizens to utilize bicycles or electric vehicles as a common mode of transportation especially due to the high income per capita. However, this may not be helpful if strong policies are not put in place to effect the change, which may include creating favoring infrastructure, roads, for cyclers, so a to avoid cases of obstruction and preventable accidents. This may serve as an example and a reference point especially for the developing countries, which are projected to have a significant increase of motor vehicles on their road s, which is believed to be by approximately 300% by 2050 (Christian 63). Deforestation is also a major contributing factor to the availability of high levels of carbon dioxide

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