Friday, October 18, 2019

Persuasive speech PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuasive speech - PowerPoint Presentation Example Mayoclinic(2010) reports that three hundred people are added to the waiting list each month, and each day approximately seventy-seven people get a life saving donated organ. The kidneys are the most sought after organs, their main responsibility is to filter the blood; that is, keeping the blood clean, and helping it to maintain its proper balance of water and electrolytes(balanced electrolytes allows the body to function normally). Diabetes, we hear about it every day, in the media, people with whom we associate, diabetes, the silent killer, is a widespread disease in the United States, and high blood pressure are the most common cause of kidney disease. However, these are not the only causes of kidney disease, other causes are infection and genetic disorder (New York Organ Donor Network). I have seen first hand what kidney disease can do. Dialysis can be a painful procedure. One sits for four hours three time per week as their blood is filtered. Sometimes this causes weakness or nausea, or both. New York Organ Network(2010) reports that â€Å"there are currently over 80,000 people on the kidney transplant waiting list. prospect of survival is heart transplant. New York Organ Donation Network(2010) reports that: â€Å"Each year, over 2000 heart transplants are performed in the United States.   These lives were saved as a result of selfless individuals who chose to give the gift of life.   Yet, thousands more are still on the waiting list of a heart transplant.† If you are giving away your heart you are already dead. Therefore, make someone life better and become an organ donor. Cigarettes, that what most people think when they hear the words â€Å"lungs’ disease.† Of course, smoking is one of the major cause of lung disease, yet, not the only cause. According to Medline Plus (2011), There are three types of lung disease: airway diseases

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