Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Answer the following 2 questions seperately Assignment

Answer the following 2 questions seperately - Assignment Example On the other hand, public interest theory asserts the need to keep prices at reasonable rates so that more people can access healthcare services; and that more readily and cheaply. As such, the government should intervene to ensure that the best interests of the society are served. In this light, there is the push to have the government inject and nurture competition, liberalize information, assuage externalities and to address market failures (Sirgy, Dong-Jin & Yu, 2011). Public interest theory is the most plausible and tenable of the two, since healthcare market primarily discharges public or social goods. Healthcare is too sacrosanct to be given an economic laissez faire. Likewise, it is very inappropriate and unfortunate to create a situation in the healthcare system where the public bears the burden of operational inefficiencies as players in the business (pharmaceutical and insurance companies, and healthcare institutions) rake profits. If the system that is envisioned by the special interest theory must be adopted or tolerated, healthcare systems must be exempted from such contriving. Imperfect information refers to a situation where the client or the seller does not have partial or full information that may affect their decisions. For instance, in a perfectly competitive market, though healthcare services insurers are entitled to full information pertinent to clients’ health status so that they can subsequently exact premiums in light of the expected costs, some clients will reserve themselves from detailing all the crucial information. Again, these clients may deliberately or inadvertently give inaccurate details. Most of the time however, clients will knowingly withhold information or give incorrect details to escape higher insurance premiums. The import of this development is that it often paves way for market failure, since the giver of the inaccurate or incomplete

Monday, October 28, 2019

Human Resource Management Project Essay Example for Free

Human Resource Management Project Essay Introduction Human Resource Management is defined as the policies, practices and systems that influence an employee’s behaviour, attitude, and performance in the attainment of organizational goals, and it is also a way of management that links people-related activities to the strategy of a business or organization. Now days, the human resource has an important function in the companies or organizations. The human resource provides significant support and advice to line management because many companies consider their human capital as their most important asset. The purpose of this report is to compare and contrast the human resource management between India and Canada. This report will describe the human rights, recruitment, selection, training and development, and health and safety of Indian companies, and research the role of human resource in the recruitment and selection processes of Indian companies, and finally compare and contrast them to Canadian human resources practices. Moreover, this report will also analyze the cultural differences between Canada and India. The report aims to find difference human resource management between Canada and India, and improve the human resource management system of Canada. Role of Human Resources in the Recruiting and Selection Human resource plays an instrumental role in helping their organization achieve its goals of becoming a socially and environmentally responsible firm. In India, there is large-scale unemployment with shortage of skilled labour, hence, the role of HR in recruiting will provide the necessary tools to maintain a positive competitive labour market. Clearly defined role of Human Resources in Recruitment process is very important for measuring the success of the whole Recruitment Process. The overall setting of the HR Role in Recruitment is directly linked to Recruitment Strategy and HR Strategy. [1] Human resource and hiring managers play a highly significant role for setting the correct measures and defining the potential gaps in the whole recruitment process. The role of Human Resources in India is increasing, from making the process working to the real management of HR Processes and the Recruitment Process was the first to manage. The Recruitment Strategy changed the efficiency and costs to the company were more important.[2] The role of HR in recruiting and selection process in India has following factors: 1) Decides about the design of the recruitment processes and to decide about the split of roles and responsibilities between Human Resources and Hiring Manager 2) Decides about the right profile of the candidate 3) Decides about the sources of candidates 4) Decides about the measures to be monitored to measure the success of the process The role of HR in Recruitment is very important to work on the development of the recruitment and selection process and to make the process very competitive on the market. Good recruitment and selection can make sure the organization has enough advantaged and appropriate employee and managers; in addition to that, it can lead to company work more efficiency. * Recruiting process has following steps: 1. Identify vacancy 2. Prepare job description and person specification 3. Advertising the vacancy 4. Managing the response 5. Short-listing 6. Arrange interviews 7. Conducting interview and decision making * Selection involves the following components: Reception, screening interview, application blank, selection test, selection interview, medical test, reference checks, and hiring decision. Chap: 3 Human Resource practice in India India is being widely recognised as one of the most exciting emerging economics in the world. Besides becoming a global hub of outsourcing, Indian firms are spreading their wings globally through mergers and acquisitions. During the first four months of 1997, Indian companies have bought 34 foreign companies for about U.S. $11 billion dollars. This impressive development has been due to a growth in inputs (capital and labour) as well as factor productivity. By the year 2020, India is expected to add about 250 million to its labour pool at the rate of about 18 million a year, which is more than the entire labour force of Germany. This so called ‘demographic dividend’ has drawn a new interest in the Human Resource concepts and practices in India.[6] In a general, if we look at the history of Human resource practice in recent years, we can see effect on the managerial history of India was to be provided by the British system of corporate organisation for 200 years. Clearly, the socio cultural roots of Indian heritage are diverse and have been drawn from multiple sources including ideas brought from other parts of the old world. In India, the Human resource management practice is in transition face it is learning new ideas from other parts of the world and also with growing population and growing multinational companies coming to India the work culture is continuously improving. One of the noteworthy features of the Indian workplace is demographic uniqueness. It is estimated that both China and India will have a population of 1.45 billion people by 2030; however, India will have a larger workforce than China. Indeed, it is likely India will have 986 million people of working age in 2030, which will probably be about 300 million more than in 2007. And by 2050, it is expected India will have 230 million more workers than China and about 500 million more than the United States of America (U.S.). It may be noted that half of India’s current population of 1.1 billion people are under of 25 years of age.[7] While this fact is a demographic dividend for the economy, it is also a danger sign for the country’s ability to create new jobs at an unprecedented rate. As he has been pointed out by Meredith. [8] Here are some key factors responsible for shift in HRM practice in India [9] Above figure presents the key drivers for contemporary Indian HRM trends. In Figure, there are four external spheres of intervention for HRM professionals and these spheres are integrated in a complex array within organisational settings. The intellectual sphere, which emphasises the mindset transaction in work organisations, has been significantly impacted by the forces of globalisation. The other three spheres, of figure, namely the emotional, the socio cultural and the managerial domains are undergoing, similar profound changes. Key HRM Practices in Indian Organisations: The above figure describes the general HRM practise in Public sector Organization. In private sector the HRM sector is not organized. In Private sector THE HRM practice depends on individual company basis. Company Profile: Infosys technology is a leading software company based in India which was established in 1981 and is listed in NASDAQ as a global consulting and IT services company with more than 122,000 employees. From a capital of US$ 250 they have grown to become a US$ 5.38 billion company with a market capitalization of approximately US$ 38 billion. In their journey of over 29 years they have catalyzed some of the major changes that have led to Indias emergence as the global destination for software services talent. [10] Recruitment Process: The Company uses different sources like Campus Interviews, advertisements in newspapers and applications received through the company website. Firstly, they do not have any distinction between any branch of Engineering, applicant from any branch can apply for the selection process but the only criteria is to meet the requirement of grades, the applicant should be very well qualified and should have high grades and the time gap which means if any of the applicant was rejected in the selection process then they can only apply after 9 months. The qualified candidates are shortlisted and are called for a written test. [11] Selection Process of choosing individuals with qualifications needed to fill jobs in an organization. The duration of the selection process in Infosys is 2.5 hours which includes filling in an application form, an Aptitude Test ( Analytical Thinking and Arithmetic Reasoning) and a test of Communicative English Language. The duration of the tests is 90 minutes and the Aptitude Test consists of puzzles type and the number of questions varies between 9 to 15. [12] Training and Development Infosys training, continuing education and career development programs are designed to ensure that the technology professional enhances their skill-sets in alignment to their respective goals. The following are the types of training provided by Infosys to their new recruits and employees. Technical Training by Education and Research Department Most of the new candidates that are hired complete 14 weeks of integrated on-the-job-training prior to being assigned to their business units. All these training are done in a total area of 1.44 million square feet in The Infosys Global Education Center in Mysore- India, which can train approximately 14,000 employees at a time. As of March 31, 2010 they employed 610 full-time employees as faculty which included 208 employees with doctorate or masters degrees. The faculty also conducts integrated training for the new employees. They also make employees to undergo certification programs each year to develop the skills relevant that are for their roles. [13] Personal Effectiveness and Managerial Programs The above program is to enhance the managerial capabilities and leadership abilities in order to have better customer satisfaction, achieve their organizational vision and to create high performing multicultural teams. [14] Performance Management Creating an equitable and inclusive work environment In 2008-09 Infosys were recognized for their efforts to promote a more inclusive work environment. They won the Corporate Award for Excellence in Gender Inclusivity instituted by the National Association for Software Companies (NASSCOM), India, for the second consecutive year. They also received the Helen Keller award which was instituted by the National Centre for Promotion of Employment for Disabled People, for the third consecutive year and they also won the ASTD Excellence in Practice Award for diversity training. [15] The Head -HRD, is the custodian of equal employment opportunity. The Diversity Office and the HR department are responsible for coordinating efforts in implementing and disseminating information regarding the company’s diversity agenda. Being an IT services company they do not have any business identified as having risk for incidents of forced or compulsory or child labour, therefore they foresee risk of child labour in their supply chain in India, and therefore controls it through the vendor selection process. Compensation and Benefits Infosys compensates its human assets in three ways by adding learning value through training and development and appraisal practices. Infosys also adds emotional value through initiatives directed towards supporting employees with their work and personal needs and they also adds financial value through monetary compensation which is neither above nor below the market level. Infosys was one of the first Indian companies to offer stock option plans to their employees. Benefits Infosys work-life policies reflect local requirements and regulations. The employees in India are eligible for paid maternity leave and paternity leave under the law which is referred as the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 under which pregnant women can take paid leave up to 14 weeks, first seven weeks before delivery and other seven weeks after delivery and the maximum payment is $441.6 per week before tax. They also have satellite offices for new mothers, telecommuting for employees on need basis, adoption leave, flexible work hours, part-time work policy, one-year childcare sabbatical policy and near-site day care facilities. Employees can apply for scholarships for their children who have excelled in academics, arts and culture. Infoscions can also apply for extended family healthcare coverage. [16] In addition to that they are also provide benefits such as statutory benefits as pension, medical insurance under Employee State Insurance Scheme which is an integrated measure of Social Insurance embodied in the Employees’ State Insurance Act and is designed to accomplish the task of protecting ‘employees’ against the hazards of sickness, maternity, disablement and death due to employment injury and to provide medical care to insured persons and their families. An employee covered under the scheme has to contribute 1.75% of the wages whereas, an employer contributes 4.75% of the wages payable to an employee. The total contribution in respect of an employee comes out to 6.50% of the wages payable. They are also offered loan program which was found attractive to the employees. Loans were taken for pursuing a degree program such as MBA, or to meet personal needs such as purchasing a car or a house. [17] Health and Safety The Health Assessment and Lifestyle Enrichment (HALE) program supports their healthcare policies at a global level. In Australia they have a unique practice of having a specialist available on call for ergonomics assessment in the work area. They also provide annual health checkups for all employees at their India-based locations. [18] Chap-4 Comparison and Contrast between HR practice of India and china In comparison between India and Canada India’s ranks higher in Uncertainty Avoidance Index than Canada which means Indian wants clear cut responsibilities and job description. India’s Power Distance rank is also higher than Canada which means that in India there is unequal distribution of wealth and power in the society. India and Canada are at the opposite ends in terms of Individualism, with Canada displaying much greater Individualism than the collectivist society of India. Canadians are more autonomous and self-control in the ability to make decisions and wants to work without direct supervisions, than Indian employees. Indian employees like to work more in tandem with their managers when setting personal goals than did Canadian employees. Indians are more forward thinking when planning actions and goals which found significant correlations between these differences in perceptions and differences in cultural characteristics which include power distance, uncertainty avoidance, and paternalism. Canadians scored lower on these traits than Indians. [19] Chap – 5 About Cultural differences and Implications to Professional Practice India is a country in conversion. History, society, economic and cultural factors strongly influence Indian Human Resource Management (HRM) and mindset. The dynamic changes taking place in India, and their consequent influence and reflection in Indian HRM, the following factors provide essential background and context about key aspects of the Indian: language, geography and generational differences. Following the strong influence of the society cultural context in India does not always allow the applicability of Western management and organization theories. [3] Pawan S. Budhawar, the Indian management scholar, he emphasizes that â€Å"to a great extent, this is a core issue for Western firms operating in the Indian context and sends a clear message to researchers in the field. The intention of both HR practitioners and researchers should be to continuously develop, test and re-test constructs suitable for conducting research and develop relevant practice in the Indian context.† [4] With the challenge of mixing Western management practices with Eastern management traditions, we have to understand the Indian HRM context and its related influence on mindset is a necessity for both Indian and Western organizations. In a typical leadership development project, here is an assumption about: First, there are more qualified candidates than available leadership positions (could be internally or externally. Second, turnover of employees identified as ‘key talent† will not increase. Third, employees who are not identified as â€Å"k ey talent† will accept that the assessment process is fair. Indian human resource management will continue to evolve, and it will continue to be important characteristic of growth and sustainability. Chap – 6 Other relevant topics Generally speaking, In the process of recruiting, training management, the performance of India and Canada is similar. They use similar strategies for select right employees, like internal and external recruitment. Using skills tests and talent questions helping employers find a best person for the job. On the other hand, there are some obvious differences. Firstly, in Canada, there are a lots of policies (Provincial and territorial human rights legislation, Canada Human Rights Act) implemented by federal or national governments to protect the rights of employees, like policies about minimum wage employer must pay to workers, sexual orientation, marital status, and maximum work time. Besides that, when the rights of employees was ruined, employees can complain with some constitution including The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Citizenship Commission. On the other hand, the policies protecting employees are scary. Employees look for job by individual, and the salary and benefits paid to employees is determined by employers. Because India in a labour intensive country. The price is cheaper than Canada obviously. In addition, India do not have policies about minimum wage. The codes protecting the rights of women and young are in little quantities. Which is more, compared with Canada. It is harder for employees in India sue the company which exploits them. For instance Even though India is a labour intensive country, because of high growth of developing, it is not a big problem to find a job in their own country. A lot of jobs are created because of the increasing of market demands. Since Canada is multicultural country. You can find people from Australia, Asia and Europe. They are seeking jobs in Canada. Apart from this Canada is a secular Country. So Canada has a lot of policies about avoiding discrimination like religion, race and color. Conclusion: By analyzing and studying various reports and research paper we can say that there is vast difference between the HR practice between India and Canada. The rules and regulation regarding Human resource management are quite similar in both countries. The government of both Countries has made clear rules and regulations, but in India there is lack of implementation of the rules. Various research paper also indicates that the HRM is in transition phase, due to globalization the global practice becoming more and more familiar to Indian corporate groups. The study also suggests that there is socio-cultural influence on HRM practice in India. India has to go far to reach global HRM practice, but it is also showing good positive changes in terms of positive HRM policy guideline and support from government. Bibliography: 1. 2. ( 3. 4. Budhwar, P. S. (2009). Challenges Facing Indian HRM And the Way Forward. In P. S. Budhwar J. Bhatnagar (Eds.), the Changing Faces of People Management in India (pp. 289-300). New York: Routledge. 5. Adapted from Towers Perrin. (2008). 2007-2008 Towers Perrin global workforce study. Retrieved August 26, 2009, 6. 7. Chatterjee, S.R. (2006). Human resource management in India. In A. Nankervis, Chatterjee, S.R. J. Coffey (Eds.), Perspectives of human resource management in the Asia Pacific (41-62). Pearson Prentice Hall: Malaysia. 8. Meredith, R. (2007). The elephant and the dragon: The rise of India and China and what it means for all of us. New York: W.W.Norton Co. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Fossil Discoveries in Kansas :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers

Fossil Discoveries in Kansas Did you know, in the state of Oklahoma it is against the law to either hunt or catch whales? Sounds sort of ridiculous when you think logically about it, but according to paleontologists it isn’t that far fetched. Over 65 million years ago Kansas, including the whole Midwest Region of North America from the Arctic Circle to the Gulf of Mexico, was covered by the Sea. Due to the continental uplifts of the mountain ranges in North America during the Pangaea stage, the once shallow sea of Kansas became shut off from the sea-water flow and dried out to what we know it as today. The biome of Kansas over the last 65 million years has become extremely dry and flat, which would account for a once shallow inland sea. For example; Salt Lake City was once in the mist of a glacier that filled the inside â€Å"hole† of the City, causing the surface of it to be extremely flat excluding the surrounding mountains. Recently in an article from, recognition for Mike Everhart’s discoveries has been noticed. Paleontologists and Archeologists in Western Kansas â€Å"have been finding sources of some of the best Cretaceous marine fossils that have ever been found anywhere in the world.† (Everhart, #1). These fossils, though interesting and vast, have pointed a lot of questions to how and when Kansas was under sea level. From my research, I have found that the only explanations to these issues and debates are the discoveries found consisting of both the archaic sharks and plesiosaurs. In my research, the Oceans of Kansas organization for Paleontology has given me more than enough to focus on when depicting out how to correlate our modern logic about how Kansas is mostly a wasteland to when it used to be an ocean with striving life within. The sharks that have been recently discovered are increasing not only in size, but by type. Mike Everhart, lead Paleontologist of this organization, in April 2002 discovered an extremely large shark called the Cretoxyrhina Mantelli "Ginsu Shark". â€Å"A large lamniform shark found worldwide from Turonian into Campanian time during the Late Cretaceous.   Much the same size as a modern Great White (but not closely related), the Ginsu shark reached lengths of more than 6 meters before becoming extinct about 82 million years ago.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Does management affect coastal processes at Walton-on-the-Naze?

Walton-on-the-Naze is a small retirement town, located near Colchester via the A133 with a population of 40,000. Run by tendering local authority it relies mostly on tourism economically, which is one of the reasons they have a coastal management scheme which has recently been extended to the north to protect the luxurious houses situated there. In the course of this project I will be investigating the ways in which management has been used in Walton-on-the-Naze to prevent and encourage different coastal processes in order to stop the cliff retreating and then comparing this to the unprotected cliffs and beaches in Walton to find out if management truly does affect the coastal processes present there. Coastal processes affect our lives. Our families pay taxes to go towards coastal protection etc. which is essential for the whole town to function and benefit the whole community. I have decided to study Walton-on-the-Naze for a number of reasons. Firstly it is the nearest place along the coast to Southend which has unprotected cliffs as well as protected ones. At Walton the geology is the same and the processes are very similar along with the protection. Also Walton is subjected to much more energy from the sea than Southend. There are various ways the coast can be managed, firstly I will explain how the cliffs can be protected. Cliffs are protected in two places, the cliff face and the cliff foot. Energy from the sea in the form of destructive waves can undercut the cliff over time, this causes a cliff collapse because the weight cannot be supported now undercutting has taken place. To combat this, at the cliff foot a sea wall may be built to act like a natural barrier against the sea, along with a revetment to further decrease the energy of the waves. Or groynes could be put in place to encourage a build up of sand and create a â€Å"beach.† This is why beaches are usually sloping towards the sea to make the waves break and decreases the energy they have. The incoming destructive waves break on the sand and cause a weak swash up the beach followed by a strong backwash which has more energy than the swash and ‘drags' sand back down the beach, although this is partly complicated by prevailing winds and LSD which I will go on to explain further later on in this project. Also as waves undercut the cliff rubble collects at the foot of the cliff and acts like a natural barrier in some places, this can also be recreated by man by placing massive rocks and boulders at the foot of the cliffs to protect them, this is usually called rip-rap and is the cheapest and easiest method of management. On the cliff face Gabions can be put on which are basically mesh boxes to keep the rock in place and catch any loose rocks. Cliff ‘pinning' is another way the rock can be kept in place. Vegetation may also be planted there to hold together the rock and prevent erosion, along with sculpturing and draining of the cliff face. It is very important that these two areas are integrated, for you cannot only protect the cliff face and not the cliff foot and you cannot only protect the cliff foot and not the cliff face! These types of management are put into two categories – hard engineering and soft engineering. Hard engineering is physically building something e.g. a Sea wall. Whereas soft engineering e.g. planting is a far more natural management process. We as humans can only militate the worst effects of flooding, that is to say that floods are always going to happen, we cannot stop them. Instead sea walls and tidal barriers are put in place to reduce the energy of the destructive waves produced crashing against the cliffs. If this management was not put in place coasts would be forever retreating causing chaos and destruction that would not be tolerable in today's society. Now I will go on to describe the coastal processes involved. There are 4 main types of coastal processes that affect the cliffs and coast at Walton-on-the-Naze, these are: 1. Destructive Waves (erosion) 2. Long shore Drift 3. Slumping 4. Deposition Some of these processes must be encouraged and some must be discouraged in order for management to be successful. Destructive waves and erosion along with long shore drift and slumping must be discouraged whereas deposition must be encouraged, next I will go on to explain what each of these processes is, does to the coast and why they must be either encouraged or discouraged. The coast is a narrow contact zone between land and sea. The effects of land, air and marine processes are constantly changing it. But on most coastlines the dominant process results from the action of waves. Although destructive waves are usually resultant from storms out at sea and have much more energy than ‘common' constructive waves and usually do a lot more damage. Waves are usually created by the transfer of energy from wind blowing over the surface of the sea. It is true to say that the larger the wave the more energy it contains and the largest waves are formed when very strong winds blow for lengthy periods and cross large expanses of water. The maximum distance of water over which winds can blow is called the fetch. ‘In the case of South-West England the fetch is from the South-West. This also coincides with the direction of the prevailing, or most frequent, wind. In Eastern England the fetch is generally from the East.' As you can see from the diagram on the previous page water particles move in a circular orbit. Each single particle, or a floating object, tends to move vertically up and down, it is only the shape of the wave and its energy that is transferred horizontally towards the coast. But as a wave reaches shallow water the velocity at its base is slowed due to friction with the sea bed, and the once circular orbit changes to that of an elliptical orbit as shown in the diagram. The top of the wave, unaffected by this friction, becomes taller and steeper until it finally breaks. Only at this point does the remnant of the wave, called the swash, actually move forwards. The swash transfers energy up the beach. The backwash returns energy down the beach. Constructive Waves have limited energy. Most of this is used by the swash to transport material up the beach. Destructive waves have much more energy. Most of this is used by the backwash to transport material back down the beach. Erosion Waves, like rivers, can erode the land by a number of different processes, these are: Corrasion (abrasion) – is caused when large waves hurl beach material against a cliff. Attrition – is when waves cause rocks and boulders to break up by bumping into each other on a beach, into small particles. Corrosion (solution) – is when salts and acids in the seawater slowly dissolve the cliff. Hydraulic Action – is the force of waves compressing air in cracks in the cliff. Longshore Drift Although waves do carry material up and down the beach they do not necessarily carry it up and down vertically, the major movement is along the coast by a process called longshore drift. Waves rarely approach a beach at right angles, instead they tend to approach the beach from a direction similar to that of which the wind is blowing. When a wave breaks, the swash carries material up the beach at the same angle at which the wave approached the shore; then the backwash returns material straight down the beach at right-angles to the water, by gravity. The outcome is that material is slowly moved along the beach in a zigzag course. The effect of longshore drift or LSD can be best seen where groynes have been built to prevent this material from being moved along the beach and so there is a build up of sand on one side of the groyne in each case. There are many examples of this in Walton-on-the-Naze (see photos section.) Slumping Slumping is the movement of unconsolidated material (moraine) under gravity. The rock particles in the cliff are held together by frictional forces which are overcome by a build up of ‘pore water pressure' owing to saturation by prolonged rain. That is to say that when water infiltrates the cliff it causes the rock to ‘slump' or slide over each other. Of course a wave-cut notch will have already formed at the rock foot, causing the immense pressure above, see diagram overleaf. Deposition Shingle and sand being transported along the coast by longshore drift will, in time, reach an area where the water is sheltered and the waves have no energy, e.g. a bay. The material may be temporarily deposited because there is no longer any energy left to carry them, this could then form a beach.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Gorn Chapter Essay

What powers awarded to congress in the Constitution of 1787 would an Anti- Federalist be most likely to oppose? Anti- Federalist were against the Constitution all together but most of all, I think the Anti-Federalist were against the fact that the state government’s would no longer have as much power like it did with the Articles of Confederation. The constitution supported the idea of a powerful and strong central government. The congress had the power to tax people, and make rules and regulations as it says in document two. With liberty being the Anti-Federalist’s biggest argument, the federalist got the idea that with all the power congress had, their freedom and rights would be threatened or even taken away and that’s what they feared most. 2. According to the Constitution of 1787, what are the eligibility prerequisites and selection processes for a) members of the House of Representatives Members of the House of Representatives are chosen every two years by the people and the number of representatives each state gets is proportional to the population. The members has to be twenty-five years of age or older, has been a citizen of the United States for at least seven years and shall not be, when elected, an Inhabitant of the State in which he is representing. b) members of the Senate, and Each state has two senators serving a six year term. In the Constitution of 1787, the senate was appointed by the Legislature and must have at least one vote. Members of the Senate must be 30 years of age, been a citizen of the U. S. for nine years, and should not be an Inhabitant of that State. ) the president and vice president? Both the President and Vice president serve in the same term of four years. The person running for president and vice president had to be a citizen of the United States for 14 years and naturally born in the U. S. and they had to be at least 35 years of age. The president had to have a majority vote for a guarantee to be president if not the House of Representatives chose in other situations. 3. Critique the provisions co ntained in the Constitution of 1787 from the point of view of each of the following groups: I think all together the only people who felt they would benefit from the Constitution was the smaller populated states and the African Americans. The smaller States would gain more of a say then being overlooked by the larger States, although in the Constitution they would only have a few representatives for their state, it still was a good outcome because they would at least have some sort of say and opinion in what laws were passed due to the power of their representative’s votes. The Constitution’s main goal was to make sure all states were equal and with that being said, it led up to the African American’s being free and gave a sense of something they had never felt, which was equality. The Anglos and Native American’s had to have a sense of anger because not only did they feel like their territory was being taken away, they also now had to have treaties with America if they were beyond the boundaries of the States, in order to trade or do any business with the U. S. The larger states were probably not as approving of the Constitution because with the greater amount of population in their states’, their governments got to do whatever and all the people had to follow their rules they set for themselves. In the Constitution, Congress is given the power over the whole Country, if a state wanted to make something a law or tax people, they had to get the approval of congress. 4. In which of the six objectives designated in the preamble has the Constitution of 1787 lived up to its promises? In what areas has it not fully achieved its goals? The Constitution was truly meant to be looked upon as a good thing, it was not suppose to cause any harm or uneasiness in the States. I think out of the preamble, the Constitution did eventually achieve success in all six objectives but the biggest issure that most Anti-Federalist had was the constitution not establishing justice or secure the blessings of liberty. If you really think about how the Constitution was made, it was illegal. The writers were only allowed to fix the Articles of Confederation, not make a whole new Government. I think that’s why Anti-Federalist were not convinced about the Constitution because it was done out of secrecy and the writers did not allow for the Anti-Federalist to make a common ground and make the Constitution mutual on both sides, that alone made it seem like the writers were just trying to take over America and make rules that seemed to take away the rights that were important to them. In the Constitution there were specific laws for people’s safety, different forces were to be formed in case of any attack or just to promote general welfare. Although, the army had not been figured out yet on how each state’s army would form together, the idea of the forces coming together for safety was in tact. 5. If you were a delegate to a state ratifying convention, would you have voted for or against the Constitution of 1787? Explain the reasons for your vote. If I was a delegate to a state ratifying convention, I would have voted for the constitution of 1787. The United States were at the point of time were reformation was needed. Although many people at the time were against the Constitution, I think overall it put the United States in a more successful path compared to the problems they were already facing as a nation. At the time prior to the Constitution, State’s had set there own laws that were to be abided by which made the outlook on the country as a whole, unorganized. The United State’s needed a more stable government, with the Articles of Confederation, it was basically like there was no government or any uniformed army in place in case of any attacks from other countries. The Constitution made the United States come together in the long run and a good authority with a fair amount of power was needed in order to get America straightened out. 6. Did the writers of the Constitution of 1787 desire to create a democracy or aristocracy? According to what I read, I think the Constriction of 1787 was desired to be a aristocracy government. It was not until the Bill of Rights came into Constitution that made the United States a democracy. The constriction was first made with no checks and balance system which made the strong central government, have more power than it has today. The government in the Constitution had the power to do many things that the Anti-Federalist felt shouldn’t have the right to have. Many of the people living in the state’s felt their unalienable rights were being taken away slowly so many Anti-Federalist decided to push and continue to get the Bill of Rights passed so the government wouldn’t gain too much power, that everyone felt they wanted.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Your Comprehensive Guide to Negotiating Salary

Your Comprehensive Guide to Negotiating Salary No matter what your job, no matter what your industry, you have something in common with everyone else: you want to make more money as you move through your career. (Living the dream!) Similarly, the way to get there is pretty universal as well: learning how to negotiate your workplace value into cash money. Whether you’re already in a job and you’re seeking a raise, or you’ve just gotten a job offer and want to maximize your starting salary, there are tools to keep in your belt for negotiating your salary. 1. Negotiating Salary When You’ve Just Gotten a Job Offer  a.   When Should You Start Negotiating?  b.   What Tools Should You Have Ready to Go?  c.   How Should You Approach the Negotiation?  d.   When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?  e.   What Mistakes Are Lurking?  2. Negotiating Salary If  You’re Looking for a Raise/Promotion  a.  When Should You Start Negotiating?  b.  What Tools Should You Have Rea dy to Go?  c.  How Should You Approach It?  d.  When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?  How to Negotiate If You’ve Just Gotten a Job OfferCongratulations! Score! You’ve outwitted, outlasted, and outplayed your competitors to get to the end. (Oh wait, that’s Survivor.) Now after you’ve had a glass of champagne (or the fizzy celebratory beverage of your choice), don’t get too complacent- you’ve still got one more stage: the salary negotiation. has a great overview of the process:When Should You Start Negotiating?You should wait until you have your job offer in hand. Mention money too early, and you run the risk of giving information that could limit your salary ceiling (like what you were earning previously, or what you’d be willing to accept now). It could also be a turn-off for the hiring company†¦you don’t want to seem too mercenary before you even have the job. During the interview phase s, focus on your attributes and experience, and on getting hired.Once you’ve received an offer, then it’s time to start negotiating your salary.What Tools Should You Have Ready to Go?  As you get ready for battle, here are three things to have at the top of your mind.1. A target salary rangeWhile you shouldn’t actually mention salary while you’re interviewing, you should definitely start thinking about the best-case scenario (job offer and salary negotiation stage) ahead of time. Part of that is doing your homework on what you’re worth, professionally.There are tons of resources online that can help you drill down into your specific industry and job, and find at least a range that feels comfortable based on your experience level. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics has baseline government data on salaries and career outlooks for various industries. Sites like,, and can help you zoom in on your professional wo rth as well, aggregating data about real people’s salaries in various industries. You want your expectations to be realistic, so gather as much info as you can about the salaries attached to your new role (or similar jobs in the industry), for people at your experience level.2. Your selling points (which are now justification points)In addition to having a dollar range in mind, you should keep your resume and interview talking points handy as well. It may seem like those are old news after you aced your interview, but you should have a ready list of all of your accomplishments and experience to bolster any requests for a higher salary.3. Intangibles And don’t forget that while we call this â€Å"salary† negotiation, it’s about your entire compensation package at your new job. That includes yes, your baseline salary, but also vacation time, flexible work arrangements, paid leave, and other benefits. These may take a backseat to the official dollar amount, but they’re great to have as an additional bargaining chip- especially if the company proves unwilling or unable to meet your goal salary. You can try to get additional time off, or work-from-home arrangements to compensate for a slightly lower salary.4. Your dealbreaker amount Unfortunately, some negotiations won’t work out. As part of your salary range, you should also keep the lower limit in mind- the number where, if the salary falls below it and can’t budge upward, you can’t move forward with this new job.How Should You Approach the Negotiation?Some companies will include a salary offer with the official job offer. In this case, you would use that number as a starting point, or an â€Å"anchor.† If you get an offer without a dollar amount attached, you get to throw out a number as the anchor. Again (and I can’t emphasize this enough), be realistic. If you’re going for a mid-level management position and you walk in asking for a g iant signing bonus and a Ferrari, you might be laughed right out of your job offer.According to recruiter Nick Corcodilos, a goal to keep in mind for switching jobs is about a 20% increase in salary. That may or may not be realistic depending on your industry or your new company’s economic situation, but think of it as an ideal-world guideline.Either way, once the initial dollar amounts is out there, don’t accept the first offer from your new company. You won’t lose your job offer just for negotiating- it’s a commonplace part of the hiring process these days. Send a counteroffer, and go from there.To see how salary negotiations can play out, career author Ramit Sethi has a no-holds-barred approach in this video negotiation re-enactment:When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?As Kenny Rogers once told us, part of the game is knowing when to fold ‘em. Negotiation for a new job is a form of gambling- there’s no guarantee the company will m eet your salary request. If their initial and subsequent offers fall below what you are able to accept, then it’s okay to turn down the job offer and walk away. If you really need or want this job, and the salary offer falls substantially short, try to use that â€Å"intangibles† chip and try to bolster things like vacation time or job title as a way to offset the salary before you accept the offer.  Also, don’t let the process drag out indefinitely. The company is clearly interested in filling this role as soon as possible, and you want things to move along as well. Expect the process to advance over a short period of time†¦possibly a few days. Once you know things aren’t going to work, it’s better to put that out there and get the inevitable end out of the way.What Mistakes Are Lurking?Here are some of the top mistakes people make in negotiating a new job salary:Accepting the first offer. Just don’t do it! You don’t know how high you could have gone if you don’t even try.Aiming too high. Be realistic in your salary expectations.Being too aggressive. A respectful tone is key to the process- after all, these will likely be your colleagues soon. Confidence and information are great tools- swagger is not.Accepting without knowing salary. If, in your excitement, you accept the job offer without knowing what your salary is (and having a chance to respond or negotiate), you put yourself at a major disadvantage.How to Negotiate If You’re Looking for a Raise/PromotionIf you’re already comfortable in your job and are seeking a merit-based raise, the process is a little different. No one is going to come to you and say, â€Å"You know what? You’ve been awesome this year. Take this extra cash.† The initiative is all on you. It’s easy for both employers and employees to get complacent. Once they have you in place, what’s their incentive to keep throwing money at you? Many companies have an automatic yearly raise in place, often at the cost-of-living level. But even if you can already expect a bump in your salary this year, there’s no reason you can’t try to negotiate and maximize that. And if your company doesn’t have an automatic raise mechanism in place, all the more reason to make a case that you deserve more.RELATED:  How to Negotiate Your Salary in an InterviewWhen Should You Start Negotiating?Your annual review is a pretty common time to kick off this process. Your manager is already thinking about your performance for the year, and may have promotions on the brain. However, you don’t necessarily need to wait for an official window for talking about salary. If you’ve come to the conclusion that you would like to ask for more money, all you really need to do is schedule time with your boss to sit down and discuss. Make sure you have set a time when both of you can concentrate- don’t do it on the f ly (like as you’re both getting coffee in the morning).What Tools Should You Have Ready to Go?Even though you’ve likely been at your job for a while, don’t rely on your boss’s institutional memory of what you’ve done. Be prepared to come up with your â€Å"I deserve a raise today† package from scratch. This is especially true if your current boss isn’t the one who hired you. Don’t make him or her dig through your HR file to get your resume from six years ago. Here’s what you should be prepared to bring to your meeting:Updated resume. An up-to-date resume isn’t a betrayal of your employer, or a sign you’re looking to jump ship. It’s a smart tool to have: a current record of what you’ve accomplished in the time since you’ve been hired.A target salary range. Similar to a new hire, you should know what you’re worth, professionally. Use sites like the S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Pa,, and to figure out where you should be aiming. This can be good for two reasons: a) If you’re making less than other people in similar roles, that’s a great talking point to have; and b) it prevents you from asking for the Moon when you should be asking for, say, a modest moon rock.Non-salary considerations. Would your life be easier if you could work from home one day a week? Can you get three extra vacation days? These are things to consider, especially if your company isn’t able or willing to meet your â€Å"suggested† new salary.A plan B. If your company can’t or won’t compensate you to a level you deserve based on your achievements and experience, then what’s your next move? Do you sigh, keep the status quo, and try again next year? Or do you decide that this is no longer a company you want to work for? Before you talk with your boss, have a sense of what you will do, pending different outcome s.How Should You Approach It?Long before you approach your boss about a raise, make sure you’re performing at the top of your game. Take on extra responsibilities, and make sure everything’s documented. Seek out leadership opportunities within your company. And always, always have specific examples in mind. You’ll need to justify the extra money, so having concrete talking points as to how you’ve gone above and beyond will make it easier for your boss to either approve, or pass it along to the next level for consideration.25% of people that asked for a raise got more money than they were expectingThe politics can be tricky with an in-house request for a raise. After all, you’re not facing a faceless HR person or someone you met once for an interview. You’re approaching someone you’ve worked with, possibly for a long time. According to research by Undercover Recruiter, people are anxious in general about asking for a raise- as many as 39% of people are hesitant to dive into the process, with a scant 26% of women and 40% of men feeling confident enough to go for it: Once you’ve gathered your data points and gathered the courage to approach your manager about a raise, make sure you keep a balanced, professional tone throughout. Even if you and your boss are best buds, remember that this is a relationship-neutral zone: he or she can’t reward you just for being a hilarious friend, or a co-conspirator in office shenanigans. Remember that you’re negotiating something as a professional, so act like the consummate professional who deserves more compensation.When Do You Settle? Or, When Do You Walk Away?Unlike a new job offer salary negotiation, you don’t have the same luxury of walking away from the process. If your boss says no, you still have to show up at work the next day. This is where your Plan B comes in handy. If you’d already decided that you’re going to move on if the c ompany doesn’t give you a raise, don’t quit in a snit. Calmly end the conversation with your boss, and quietly make plans to look for your next job opportunity. Remember, it’s easier to look for a job while you have a job, so don’t give up in anger and endanger your security in the meantime.So what do you think? Are you ready to approach your next salary discussion like the keen-eyed shark you can be?RELATED:  11 Tips for Getting the Salary You Want

Monday, October 21, 2019

Computer Viruses essays

Computer Viruses essays In the past two decades there have been great advances in technology that have reaped immense benefits towards us all. Computers are seen in almost every home and office in todays world. With these powerful machines we have limitless capabilities and with the added power of the Internet, anything that one could ever want is at their fingertips. Information is being transferred between computers at every second in time. However sometimes there are small hidden secrets to these transfers, viruses. Viruses are computer programs that are created to infest and spread to other programs with copies of itself. They are run without the users request and are hidden in the background somewhere. They remain secret and perform their actions; most likely without the user knowing or able to compromise the actions they perform [1]. In a sense you can compare computer viruses to the taunt Anything you can do I can better. Anything that a legitimate program can do, computer viruses can also do, only secretly [3]. Their behavior is just like that of a real virus, they spread and transfer between computers through networks, the Internet, and storage disks. Not all viruses are considered fatal to your system. Some are simply benign and are just annoying. However most are malicious and they can destroy and alter data on your system. Once one is on a host computer it can attach itself to other software programs and remain hidden in them. Here it could begin attacking the system immediately or stay idle until it is later activated. The affects of the viruses are limitless. The actual costs in damage that viruses cause can be in millions, not to mention the effects if someone were to hack into the air traffic controllers and cause plane crashes. There is an unrealized potential for harm with computer viruses [4]. Back in the 60s a man named John Conway carried out the initial work on self-replicating mecha...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Contrast Essay for The Great Gatsby

How to Write a Compare/Contrast Essay for The Great Gatsby SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips A very common essay prompt/discussion topic for The Great Gatsby is to have you compare and contrast a pair of characters in Gatsby. Why do teachers love these prompts so much? These compare/contrast essays are an opportunity for you to tie the character similarities and differences to larger observations about society and class, the American Dream, or identity in the novel. They also allow you to practice standard English class skills: close reading, using lines from the text as evidence, and taking a stance and presenting a supporting argument in an essay. We’ll go over some basic dos and don’ts for writing compare/contrast essays before diving into some analysis of the most asked-about character pairings. Keep reading if you have a Compare/Contrast assignment on the horizon! Article Roadmap The do's of acompare and contrast essay The don'ts of a compare contrast essay Why some characters are paired for comparison more often than others Analysis of and essay topic ideas for the most common character pairs: Nick and Gatsby Tom and George Tom and Gatsby Daisy and Jordan Daisy and Myrtle What to Do in a Compare/Contrast Essay Like anything you write for English class, your essay should be clearly organized, with a thesis statement (a one-sentence summary of your argument), and topic sentences for each body paragraph. And you should definitely have an overall argument! The point of the compare/contrast essay isn’t for you to just list the differences and similarities between two characters, you need to take those observations and make a larger argument about the novel as a whole. That larger argument allows you to practice writing an essay that contains an argument, which is a skill that nearly all English teachers are focused on building. To take a quick example, don’t just list the differences between Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby. Instead, make an argument like, â€Å"Fitzgerald’s portrayal of wealthy New York society through Jay Gatsby and Tom Buchanan allows him to critique both old money and the newly rich, while reserving his most pointed critiques for the old money crowd.† (Obviously, that’s just one example, and there are dozens of potential arguments you could make while comparing and contrasting characters in Gatsby!) Make sure to address your larger argument in each body paragraph as you draw out the similarities and differences between the two characters. Don’t get caught in the weeds as you tease out the many differences and similarities in each character pair. Always link back to the bigger picture. Finally, analyze each quote you use – in other words, don’t stick a quote in your essay and do nothing with it. Make sure to explain how and why the quote demonstrates a key similarity or difference, and what that means for your bigger argument. What to Avoid in a Compare/Contrast Essay Don’t just list differences and similarities without an overarching argument. Although you can definitely start brainstorming by making a list of similarities and differences, just presenting that list in essay form won’t get you a good grade, since you need to go deeper and explain what the similarities/differences suggest about the novel as a whole. And, on the other side, don’t make big claims without some evidence from the text to back them up. For example, don’t say â€Å"Tom is selfish while Gatsby cares about others.† Prove those two separate claims (Tom is selfish† and â€Å"Gatsby cares about others†) with relevant lines from the book. (And if you’re having a hard time locating good quotes, find a digital version of Gatsby you can search using the CTRL-F function. It’s a lifesaver when gathering relevant quotes for an essay!) The garden gnome agrees - our essay tips have helped him out more than you'll ever know. Why Are These Characters Paired Most Often? We will tackle these major pairings in the next sections of this article: Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby Tom Buchanan and George Wilson Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson Before we dig into the analysis, you might be wondering: â€Å"why are we only comparing characters of the same gender?† or maybe â€Å"why not other pairings? Why not Jordan and Myrtle, or Nick and Tom?† We are focusing on these specific pairings because they are by far the most commonly asked about pairs in essay prompts and discussion topics for The Great Gatsby. And we want this guide, first and foremost, to be helpful to students as you work on assignments involving Gatsby! Furthermore, these pairings help teachers get you to explore some of the novel’s larger themes. For example, comparing Daisy/ Myrtle or Tom/George can help you explore the differences between the wealthy and the working class.Comparing Daisy/Myrtle or Daisy/Jordan can help you explore the changing status of women during the 1920s. Comparing Tom and Gatsby can get at the old money/new money divide. Finally, differences betweenNick and Gatsby raisesome of the novel’s larger questions about the American Dream, repeating the past, and identity. In short, these pairings have become common because they each allow fairly easy access to one of the novel’s larger issues. That’s not to say you couldn’t also explore some of those themes by comparing, say, Jordan and George, or Daisy and Gatsby, but cross-gender compare/contrast essays can be challenging because the status of women and men is so different in the novel. If you are interested in seeing how a particular male and female character are paired, you may be better off studying them through the lens of love, desire, and relationships in the novel, or through the way they relate to one of the novel's symbols or motifs. With those thoughts in mind, let's jump into the top 5 pairings! For each pairing, we will suggest a few possible larger arguments you can either build from or disagree with, but these are far from comprehensive! You should add to our analysis of the characters and come up with an argument you’re excited about. Quick Note on Our Citations Our citation format in this guide is (chapter.paragraph). We're using this system since there are many editions of Gatsby, so using page numbers would only work for students with our copy of the book. To find a quotation we cite via chapter and paragraph in your book, you can either eyeball it (Paragraph 1-50: beginning of chapter; 50-100: middle of chapter; 100-on: end of chapter), or use the search function if you're using an online or eReader version of the text. Nick Carraway and Jay Gatsby Although Jay Gatsby and Nick Carraway varyboth in outlook and temperament, they are also alike ininteresting ways. Despite somewhat similardesires, attitudes, and social positions, Nick and Gatsby make very different choices during the novel. Love and Romance.Nick and Gatsbyboth want womenthat are out of their reach, although in different degrees. Daisy is miles above Gatsby in terms of social class. Jordan and Nick are of the same social status, but Jordan doesn't seem free to make her own decisions since an aunt controls her financial life.There is a significant passion gap between Gatsby and Nick as well. Gatsby obsesses over Daisy- he has thought of nothing else for five years, going as far as to buy a house across the bay from her just in case she notices. Nick, meanwhile, is attracted to Jordan's cool and self-sufficient demeanor, but he is clearly not in love with her, as he himself notes ("I wasn't actually in love, but I felt a sort of tender curiosity" (3.159)). Approach to Women.Both men are not particularly interested in the inner lives of the women they want to be with. Gatsby is devastated when Daisy doesn't want to renounce her relationship with Tom completely. Similarly, Nick cavalierly discounts Jordan's penchant to lie, cheat, and generally be cynically uninterested in other people, and then is deeply disappointed when she acts this way after Myrtle's death. Class and Social Standing.Although bothGatsby and Nick are outsiders to the wealthy communities of East and West Egg, Nick is a much more in-between character socially than Gatsby. Nick is familiar with the ways of the old money crowd because of his own family's privilege and the fact that he is related to Daisy. Gatsby isnot only self-made, but is a criminal whois desperate to pass as part of the old money elite without knowing its customs or rules of behavior.What isolates Nickfrom East Egg life is his Midwestern values and the importance he places on morality and decency. Gatsby is isolated from everyone by the fact that he can never actually be himself - he is always playing a role and putting on his "Oxford man" persona. It may be this sense of feeling out of place that connects them. Outlook and Temperament.Gatsby is an optimist (almost to a delusional degree)while Nick is a realist who finds Gatsby's idealism inspiring and admirable. Gatsby believes in his ability to shape his own life and future, which makes sense since he has managed to transform himself from a farmer to a successful gangster, to impersonate an "Oxford man," and to accumulatea fantastic amount of wealth in a very short time. This belief in his power translates to Gatsby being sure that he and Daisy can go back to their month of idyllic love ("'Can't repeat the past?', he cried incredulously. 'Why of course you can!'" (6.129).Nick tries his best to be an objective realist and to reign in his tendency to judge others. He is deeply in awe of self-directed men like Gatsby, and even Wolfshiem (Nick is amazed to think that one man could be behind a huge event like therigged World Series). Ambition.Gatsby dreams of greatness. As a young man his mind â€Å"romped like the mind of God,† and so as an adult, he seems to have made good on this promise by buying the most ridiculous mansion and throwing the most extravagantparties (6.134). Nick is much less ambitious in comparison. While he comes to New York seeking excitement, he doesn't want to be the wealthiest bond salesman on Wall Street or to have the biggest house. He is happy to be an observer at the edge of the drama rather than being in its midst. Nick and GatsbyEssay Ideas Here arepotential arguments to build on or disagree with based our observations. These are certainly not the only possible arguments, so be creative! Make sure your essay considers what the similarities and differences between Nick and Gatsby reveal about the novel as a whole. Nick is a passive person and Gatsby is active, which is why Gatsby is the hero and Nick simply the observer. Nick has much more in common with Gatsby than he thinks he does, which explains why he becomes so enamored of him. Nick serves as a foil (someone whoserves as a contrast)to Gatsby, which makes Nick the best possible observer of Gatsby. At the end of the novel, Tom says that Gatsby â€Å"threw dirt in [Nick’s] eyes, just like Daisy’s,† meaning thatboth Nick and Daisy were taken in and could never see the true Gatsby: a narcissist and a criminal.Tom is right - the whole novel is Nick trying to spin a negative character into a positive one. Nick Carraway: master of spin or just along for the ride? Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby As they battle overDaisy’s love, Tom Buchanan and Jay Gatsby sometimes seem surprisingly similar - particular in their self-centeredness, wealth, and concern with appearances. At the same time, these surface parallelspoint to majorconflictsin their social class, and say a lot about the world of the novel. Appearance.Gatsby is driven by his materialism to be very invested having fashionable clothes, a beautiful mansion, and visually overwhelmingparties - for him, the outfit is the thing that makes the Oxford man. Meanwhile because Tom doesn't have to dress the part of the moneyed elite to be one, he is instead veryattuned to the behavior of others. This is why he immediately seeshow fakeGatsby's persona is, both because of Gatsby's overly ostentatious clothes, and because of how much Gatsby misreads the fake invitation from the Sloanes. Tom is never fooled into thinking that Gatsby isanything other than an upstart, and mostly likely a criminal one. Self-Centeredness.Tom and Gatsbyare both completely selfish, and fully convinced that their desires have to be acquiesced to by those around them. Tom, for example, starts his affair with Myrtle by pressing himself against her on a train platform - basically, his version of flirting is bodily assault. Gatsby, meanwhile, also thinks nothing of starting anaffair with a married woman, assuming that his obsessive feelings are enough to justify any behavior. Wealth.Despite the fact that both are unimaginably rich, these men come from totally different sides of the big money divide.Tom comes fromold money and is forever worried about the encroachment of the nouveau riche, minorities, and others onto what he thinks is his. At the same time, Gatsby is the most successful of the novel's many ambitious social climbers, using his lack of ethical scruples to parlay his criminal activity into a higher social status. Power.Tom loves being powerful and wieldshis power directly. He is physically aggressive and uses his body to threaten and intimidate (Nick, for one, is clearly very cowed by Tom's bulk). He is also quick to violence, whether it's socially sanctioned - like his football accomplishments - or not - like when he breaks Myrtle's nose without a second thought.Gatsby also holdssignificant power, but his methods are much more indirect. Still, whether he is offering Nick some illegal bond trading action, or showing off his get-out-of-a-ticket-free card to a cop on the highway, Gatsby is clearly happy to be in control of a situation. Love. Tom and Gatsby both seem to be in love with Daisy. But what does that really mean to each of them? For Tom, Daisy is clearly partly appealing because she completes his horse-riding, East Egg, 350-thousand-dollar pearl necklace lifestyle. He cheats on her because he clearly has never denied himself anything, but he also understands Daisy as a person. He knows that she is too weak to leave him, but he also loves her enough to tolerate her affair with Gatsby and to stay with her after Myrtle's murder.Gatsby's love, on the other hand, is in some ways purer because he so idealizes Daisy and connects her to all of his other hopes and dreams. But this love is overly pure - he doesn't really seem to know Daisy as anything other than an idealized object, and is incapable of accepting that she has led a life apart from him for five years. Tom and Gatsby Essay Ideas In a compare/contrast essay, you can’t just present a list of similarities and differences. You also need to have an underlying argument you’re supporting. Feel free to take these at face value or as jumping-off points for your own thoughts. Tom loves Daisy as a person, Gatsby loves her as an idea. Both Tom and Gatsby’s tendency to control women and see them as prizes reveals the misogyny of the 1920s. Although Tom sees Gatsby as someone from an entirely different class than him, what they have in common (selfishness, affairs, obsession with appearances) makes a larger argument for an overall moral hollowness of the rich of any class. We see both Gatsby and Tom through the eyes of Nick, who worships one of them and hates the other. In reality, they are both much more similar than different, and their different treatment reveals Nick's insecurities and biases. Gatsby gives new meaning to letting perfect be the enemy of the good. Tom Buchanan and George Wilson At first, most readers see Tom Buchanan and George Wilsonas opposites. But, these markedly different characters face very similar circumstances andoffer two takes on masculinity and power in the novel. Appearance and Presence.Where Tom is strong and cowering, George is meek and shrinking. Tom exudes power and confidence while George tends to just fade into the background. These differences are borne out in the way these two men interact with the world. Tom is violent towards others, while George’s instinct is to be passive or to try and escape situations, the notable exceptions being his locking up of Myrtle and murder of Gatsby. Tom is confident, privileged, and assured while George is timid; George is â€Å"ruled by his wife† where Tom is selfish and acts on his own desires. Reaction to Adversity. There is a dramatic difference in the way the two menreactto the factthat their wives are cheating on them. Tom notices Daisy’s love for Gatsby and immediately starts making power plays. On the other hand, George discovers Myrtle’s affair and is undone by it. Nick compares the two men in a memorable description: â€Å"the shock had made him physically sick. I stared at him and then at Tom, who had made a parallel discovery less than an hour beforeand it occurred to me that there was no difference between men, in intelligence or race, so profound as the difference between the sick and the well. Wilson was so sick that he looked guilty, unforgivably guiltyas if he had just got some poor girl with child" (7.160). In this description, Tom is â€Å"well† and George is â€Å"sick.† Theseare certainly arresting ways to describe Tom's more traditional masculinity and George's less overtly masculine character. Tom is self-assured in the face of adversity and immediately takes action to win Daisyback,insisting on driving Gatsby's car, bullying those around him into driving to Manhattan, and using his romance skills to remind Daisy of the pluses of their relationship. Meanwhile, George's weaknessmakeshim look sick and guilty as he contemplates Myrtle's betrayal and isdriven to violence to reassert his power over her. Approach to Women.Both Tom and George assume they know what’s best for their wives: Tom dismisses Daisy’s professed love for Gatsby despite their obvious closeness, while George is determined to take Myrtle out west once he learns about the affair. But, while it seems that Tom does fundamentally understand Daisy and is right about her unwillingness to leave their marriage, George is unable to hold on to Myrtle either emotionally or physically. She is killed trying to run away from him. Tom and George Essay Ideas Differences in attitude and outcome, despite a relatively similar situation, reveal some unexpectedtruths aboutthe world of the novel. Argue the reverse of any of these topics for a really provocative essay! The fact that Tom manipulates George into killing Gatsby and then himself (which allows Tom and Daisy to walk away from the entire affair without consequence) shows the huge privileges of having money in the novel. Nick's approach to Tom and George shows his admiration of a physical, brutish, domineering kind of masculinity. The fact that the relatively good guy turns into a murderer while the bad guy lives to cheat another day isavery cynical takeon what happens in a world without a moral compass. Perhaps it shouldn't be surprised that the meeker man turns out to be the ultraviolent one. Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker Despite Daisy Buchanan and Jordan Baker'ssimilar â€Å"white girlhoods† (1.140) in Louisville, their attitude and motivations are quite distinct, making them really interesting to compare and contrast. Attitude and Outlook.Both Daisy and Jordan display an entitled, bored attitude that’s typical of Fitzgerald’s depiction of the old money segment of wealthy New York society. The fact that they are introduced in tandem, both lying on the couches in their white dresses, speaks to their initially similar attitudes. But soon we see how different their takes on this kind of life are.Daisy is increasingly despondent, even nihilistic, asking in Chapter 7, â€Å"what shall we do today, and tomorrow, and for the next thirty years?† (7.74). Jordan meanwhile is a pragmatic opportunist, who sees possibilities everywhere, arguingthat â€Å"life starts all over again when it gets crisp in the fall† (7.75). In other words, Daisy’s pessimistic attitude from Chapter 1 comes through again, while Jordan, despite coming across as cynical and sharp, actually still seems excited about the possibilities life has to offer. Appearance and Personality.Both Daisy and Jordan very alluring in their own way, though Daisy’s allure comes through her enchanting voice and feminine charms, while Jordan is masculine, â€Å"jaunty,† witty, sharp, and physical.Daisy maintains a squeaky-clean reputation despite moving with a fast crowd, while there are plenty of rumors about Jordan’s cheating in golf, and Nick comments on her dishonest attitude.More significantly, Daisy is incredibly self-absorbed while Jordan is very observant. Role in Society.Daisy seems caught between what society expects of her and some deeper, more powerful desires she can’t name, resulting in restlessness, depression, and her affair.Daisy is sticking to her prescribed societal role by marrying and having a child, while Jordan plays golf, â€Å"runs around town† and doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to marry, at least in the beginning of the novel. Perhaps Jordan is still somewhat optimistic about the possibilities of life since she hasn’t settled down yet, while Daisy realizes that nothing major in her life will change at this point.Jordan, meanwhile, is content to chase after fun and intrigue via other people’s bad behavior. And she doesn’t get dragged down by the tragedy in the book – on the contrary, she is callous in how little Myrtle’s death seems to shake her, coolly calling Nick the next day and asking him to meet like nothing has happened (8.50-61). Perhaps her motivations are a bit less accessible to the reader since her role was significantly downsized between some of Fitzgerald’s earlier drafts. But in any case, as we watch Daisy struggle in her marriage, what we see of Jordan is cool, calm, collected, and rather uncaring. Daisy and Jordan Essay Ideas So what are some possible conclusions we can draw from Daisy and Jordan’s characters? One of the most common strategies is to tie the differences between these women onto oneof the book’s larger themes, like the role of society and class or the American Dream. Another is to think about an important feature of the novel, like Nick’s narration, and see what these two characters can reveal about it. With those strategies in mind, here are some potential arguments you could argue for or against! Jordan and Daisy, because they are generally disempowered, both use their sexuality in different ways to gain power, with different results. Despite Jordan’s overt cheating and lying, Daisy is, in fact, the more morally compromisedperson. The way Nick treats Jordan versus the way he describes Daisy revealsthe novel’s preoccupation with Gatsby above all, to the detriment of the female characters. Dear Diary: Today I cheated at golf yet again! But it was nothing compared to what my friend Daisy did... Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson While Daisy Buchanan and Myrtle Wilson obviously come from very different backgrounds and have conflicting motivations, they also have some surprising similarities. Physical Appearance.Daisy and Myrtle both derive power from their looks. Myrtle's comfort with hervoluptuous bodyis clearly appealing to Tom, while Daisy's magnetic voice and ethereal presence obsess Gatsby. Throughout the novel, Myrtle is frequently reduced to being just a body - one to be used or violated by those around her. Tom sees little inMyrtle besides someone to either rub up against, have sex with, or punch at will; George resorts to imprisoning Myrtle while she eggs him on to "beat" her (7.314) the way Tom does; and finally, Daisy gruesomely rips Myrtle's body apart with a car. Meanwhile, Daisy's voice also serves to make her less of a person in her own right and more of an idealized, mythic figure from fairy tales. For Gatsby, Daisy's voice is appealing because it is "full of money" (7.105) - he is attracted to her not because of who she is, but because he sees her as a prize. Social Standing.Myrtle puts on the airs that Daisy has been born and raised with. This allows Myrtle to wield considerable social power within her group, as seen by how her guests fawn on her at the Manhattan party she throws. Daisy, in contrast, never exerts such overt power over a group – rather, she seems to move with crowds, doing what it expected of her (for instance marrying Tom despite still loving Gatsby). Love and Relationships.Daisy and Myrtle’s marriages are strikingly quite different. Daisy and Tom are able to stay together even through serial affairs and murder. They end uployal co-conspirators, protected by their wealth. Meanwhile, Myrtle has nothing but disdain forGeorge despite his evident love for her. Still, both womenuse affairs with other men as a way toescape. Daisy wants to get away from an increasingly unhappy marriage and try to recapture the spontaneity and possibility of her youth, while Myrtle loves the status that her affair with Tom grants her.However, both learn that they can’t escape forever through their affairs. Obviously, their biggest difference is thatDaisy gets to walk away from the novel unscathed, while Myrtle gets killed. Daisy and Myrtle Essay Ideas Here are ways to write about these different women who face similar choices with dramatically opposite conclusions. Despite their similarities in action and motivation, Daisy is protected from any lasting harm by her wealth and old money status, while Myrtle is punished for the same behavior, revealing how the class system in America protects the wealthy. The novel refuses to give any inner life to women, and instead reduces them to their physical qualities no matter what social class they come from. Daisy and Myrtle's similar treatment by the narrator and by the men around them shows that gender trumps class when determining status. Daisy and Myrtle’s similarities reveal how hollow the progress of the women’s movement really was at that point in time. Despite the big gains the movement made in the early twentieth century, including winning the right to vote and pushing for more freedom in how they could dress and act, both of these women’s lives aren’t vastly improved. They’re both trapped in unhappy marriages, they both rely on their looks/charms/sexuality to get what they want, and neither of them has even a chance of pursuing a fulfilling life through a career. The butterfly may be beautiful, but it's still trapped. What’s Next? Now that you’ve gone over the novel’s most popular compare/contrast pairings, check outour analysis of the novel’s romantic pairings in our guide to love, desire, and relationships in The Great Gatsby. Have an essay about a symbol or motif? Get started with our symbols overviewand motifs overview. Still a little hazy on some of the plot elements in Gatsby? Not to worry, we have you covered with our complete book summary! Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Verbal and Nonverbal Skills Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Verbal and Nonverbal Skills - Research Paper Example the methods utilized for communication, content of the message, and frequency of the message and also the skills utilized to communicate the information. In other words, business relationships are quite different from traditional relationships since the hierarchy of organization alongside other factors place responsibility and accountability on certain individuals. Also, workplace ethics require communication of verbal as well as non-verbal communication in a closed setting where message needs to be communicated in a formal as well as in a non-formal manner. However, to reduce misinterpretations, a culture of effective communication needs to be developed where the employees and subordinated feel as comfortable while expressing their grievances as the management feels while communicating orders. Thus, this paper will aim at explaining how a workplace can be turned into a conductive environment where the efficiency enhances via two-way communication. Firstly, the method of communication has a deep impact on the workplace environment since how you communicate the message is more important than the actual message being communicated. It must be understood by the communication experts in the organization that one method of communication may not suit everyone. Thus, it is important to understand diversity and culture values of the employees and even the management. Furthermore, complicated tools and methods for communicating messages must be avoided. In other words the message must be constructed that it must be clear and simple, and yet sensitive to the cultural diversity in the workplace. Sometimes, pictorial tools may be used to better communicate the message so that it may be understood by everyone. Also, two-way communication must always be encouraged since that helps understand complex ideas and scenarios for better decision making in the future. Also, the employees must be given enough liberty and space to ask

Friday, October 18, 2019

Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses With Globalization Essay

Opportunities and Challenges for Businesses With Globalization - Essay Example Global manufacturing outsourcing has been increasing for several years; it already has been adopted in the apparel, electronics, and automobile industries. The economic benefits have been quantified extensively; and, although sometimes challenged, the financial initial analysis is compelling given the less expensive skilled and unskilled labour costs in countries like China, India, Mexico, and Eastern Europe versus the U.S. If we take Information Technology, it has also gone global. For instance, when it was developing the highly successful iPod, Apple Computer worked with up to 10 firms and independent contractors around the world to find the right ideas and components. Even during the product design and customer requirement definition phases, it used two countries: Japan and the U.S.(5) From the above it can be seen that the globalization helps the organizations to expand its manufacturing and production all over the world, to find out a new business horizon. But these organization s, in fact, face many challenges in their business affairs. Apart from continuous and drastic cost reduction or constant innovation, to effectively tackle these pressures and constraints, and to profit from the opportunities created by globalization, the following implementations/improvements may be helpful. The organizations need to develop new business strategies which combine innovation, research and technology, a highly skilled workforce and their overall operational effectiveness in ways which competitors find hard to copy.

Persuasive speech PowerPoint Presentation Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Persuasive speech - PowerPoint Presentation Example Mayoclinic(2010) reports that three hundred people are added to the waiting list each month, and each day approximately seventy-seven people get a life saving donated organ. The kidneys are the most sought after organs, their main responsibility is to filter the blood; that is, keeping the blood clean, and helping it to maintain its proper balance of water and electrolytes(balanced electrolytes allows the body to function normally). Diabetes, we hear about it every day, in the media, people with whom we associate, diabetes, the silent killer, is a widespread disease in the United States, and high blood pressure are the most common cause of kidney disease. However, these are not the only causes of kidney disease, other causes are infection and genetic disorder (New York Organ Donor Network). I have seen first hand what kidney disease can do. Dialysis can be a painful procedure. One sits for four hours three time per week as their blood is filtered. Sometimes this causes weakness or nausea, or both. New York Organ Network(2010) reports that â€Å"there are currently over 80,000 people on the kidney transplant waiting list. prospect of survival is heart transplant. New York Organ Donation Network(2010) reports that: â€Å"Each year, over 2000 heart transplants are performed in the United States.   These lives were saved as a result of selfless individuals who chose to give the gift of life.   Yet, thousands more are still on the waiting list of a heart transplant.† If you are giving away your heart you are already dead. Therefore, make someone life better and become an organ donor. Cigarettes, that what most people think when they hear the words â€Å"lungs’ disease.† Of course, smoking is one of the major cause of lung disease, yet, not the only cause. According to Medline Plus (2011), There are three types of lung disease: airway diseases

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Project 2 plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project 2 plan - Essay Example The second form is filled in by the investigating officer and comprises of stating the corrective action taken and the medical treatment administered. Conducting the investigation follows five phases; preparing for the investigation where the report of the accident is submitted, gathering evidence and information which can be executed by using digital photographs to extract evidence like camera matching, photogrammetry and rectification. It can also be done by interviewing witnesses for example by using the indirect conversational approach where the witness talks freely about the incident or through questioning the witness based upon his responses. The third phase is analyzing the data which attempts to understand the accident based on the available data collected. Various techniques are used like fault tree, failure modes and effects analysis, cause-consequence analysis and simulation. The fourth phase is discussion of the analysis and conclusion which involves documentation of the accident based on the understanding from the available data. The last phase is recommendations whereby specific advice is given on how to evade reoccu rrence of the accident based upon the investigation

Case study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Case study - Essay Example The criteria can enable an organization to effectively align assets with quality strategies such as ISO 9001 and Six Sigma, and improve performance throughout the organization in a general way. Baldrige also helps to recognize and monitor vital organizational outcomes such as customer responses, product and service delivery, financial assets, human resource, and the general effectiveness of an organization in the market. Every organization will need an-encompassing strategy, especially if the executives are looking for a measure that can be used to connect the product brand with the organizational culture and internal practices (Poister, 2003). Key internal functions, which should be linked with the commodities, include strategic planning and the satisfaction of various stakeholders, e.g. customers, and employees as well as suppliers. In a nutshell, Baldrige measures and advances leadership, strategic planning, information analysis, consumer and market focus, evaluation of human reso urces, process management, and business results (Ferguson, 2008). Six Sigma According to Poister (2003), Six Sigma entails statistically-centered processes, which improves organizational performance for continuing process development. By implementing Six Sigma, an organization can reduce defects substantially. This is usually done by spotting and removing the triggers of variation in organizational processes. In identifying defects, the criteria focus on creating precise descriptions of customer needs and expectations and are therefore consumer-oriented. The main pillars of Six Sigma include continuous analysis of the consumer’s needs; vigorous employment of facts in the identification and measurement of variation in all business processes such as production; and recognition of the actual origin of defects or variation for their elimination. Ferguson (2008) avers that through Six Sigma, an organization would seek to put in place a pro-active executive team focusing on the pre vention of problem; enhance the setting up of unrelenting improvement measures and constant aiming for perfection through effective collaboration between different units within the organization (Poister, 2003). Six Sigma is premised upon multiple and successful approaches to quality improvement measures and encompasses unique strategies of its own. When compared to other quality control and improvement criteria such as Baldrige, Six Sigma is seen as a better methodology for recognizing the causes of particular quality defects and eliminating those problems. Notably, Six Sigma can be employed as an adjunct measure to other options in order to improve quality improvement systems. ISO 9001 Poister (2003) indicates that ISO 9001 is a methodology for managing quality standards within an organization. A Quality Management System, which ISO 9001 is known to measure, is a system of elaborately defined business structures, functions, duties, and assets used to support and develop on given qu ality thresholds. The criteria can be employed in the measurement of the general quality of an organization’s management programs and practices. An ISO 9001 certification ought to assure customers of an organization that the quality thresholds have been met by implementing standard policies with the aim of producing competitive products and services. Through ISO 9001, documenting the details of an organization’s processes can be achieved. This documentation is very important when it comes to

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Project 2 plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Project 2 plan - Essay Example The second form is filled in by the investigating officer and comprises of stating the corrective action taken and the medical treatment administered. Conducting the investigation follows five phases; preparing for the investigation where the report of the accident is submitted, gathering evidence and information which can be executed by using digital photographs to extract evidence like camera matching, photogrammetry and rectification. It can also be done by interviewing witnesses for example by using the indirect conversational approach where the witness talks freely about the incident or through questioning the witness based upon his responses. The third phase is analyzing the data which attempts to understand the accident based on the available data collected. Various techniques are used like fault tree, failure modes and effects analysis, cause-consequence analysis and simulation. The fourth phase is discussion of the analysis and conclusion which involves documentation of the accident based on the understanding from the available data. The last phase is recommendations whereby specific advice is given on how to evade reoccu rrence of the accident based upon the investigation

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Anatomy and physiology, Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Anatomy and physiology, Economics - Essay Example In this essay, the effects of cigarette smoking on the health of people and the economy of the nation will be discussed. According to the CDC, in the United States, about 19.8 percent of all individuals over 18 years of age smoke cigarettes. It has been estimated that 43.4 million people in the country resort to smoking. The activity is more in men than in women, While 22.3 percent of men smoke, only 17.4 percent of women smoke. The highest incidence of smoking is between the age groups 18- 44 years and the lowest incidence is in the age group beyond 65 years. American Indians/ Alaska Natives have the highest incidence rates of smoking amongst ethnics groups, the rate being as high as 36.4 percent. The lowest rate is seen amongst Asians (9.6 percent). In the year 2007, it was estimated that 20 percent of high school students resorted to smoking (CDC, 2009). The rates were similar in girls and boys. While 21 percent of boys were smoker, 19 percent of girls were smokers. As far as ethnic groups were concerned, 23 percent of White high school students, 12 percent of Hispanic high school children and 12 percent of African American students were smokers. Every day, approximately 2900 young people between 12- 17 years of age group resort to their first experience of smoking (CDC, 2009). Smoking is associated with many health-related problems and hence is a major health-related issue. It is a leading cause of illness and death all over the world and also in United States. It affects almost every organ of the body, causes many diseases and reduces the general health of the smoker. It has been estimated that 1 in every 5 deaths in the United States is related to cigarette smoking. Every year about 438,000 deaths occur due to cigarette smoking (CDC, 2009). According to CDC, for every single individual who dies due to cigarette smoking, 20 more people suffer from atleast one serious ill effects of smoking.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Salem witch trials Essay Example for Free

Salem witch trials Essay Fear of Devil-worshipping and witchcraft swept through Salem, Massachusetts, like a plague. During the years of 1692 and 1693, more than 200 people—men, women, and even children—were accused of witchcraft (Blumberg). Words of friends, neighbors, and even complete strangers put many peoples lives in danger. Nineteen people were hanged, one person pressed to death, and four known deaths occurred in prison. The accusations, the trials, the executions, and the events leading up to and after the deaths, kept Salem, Massachusetts on its toes in this mass paranoia. It was 1689, according to Blumberg, when Reverend Samuel Parris became the first ordained minister of Salem Village. The attempt to search for a new minister had failed, since the town of Salem had split to form small outskirts known as Salem Farms and the original Salem Village, and several Reverends and ministers before Parris were opposed against, or strongly disliked by the people. Parris answered to the call of ministry and moved to Salem Village with his wife, daughter Elizabeth Betty Parris, age 9, niece Abigail Williams, age 11, and his Barbados slave, Tituba and her husband John (Gribben). Gribben wrote about Parriss daughter and niece spending time alone with the Barbados slave, Tituba, while unattended by any other adults. Parris trusted the slave for he had known her since he had bought her, and she was lazy and petulant. Parris did not see Tituba as a threat and left the girls in her watch many times. As time passed, more girls would come and spend time with the Barbado s slave. Tituba would tell the girls stories about Barbados, and of the witch doctors that lived there. The girls were interested and asked many questions concerning the topic of magic and witches. Tituba, who hardly believed in sorcery herself, had given in and showed the girls how to break an egg, so just the egg white would be suspended in a bowl of water to show who their future husbands would be. These lessons continued in secrecy with Tituba. Several girls were torn between the risk of the situation and the discussion of witchcraft. Abigail Williams saw this as a mere game, and was very mischievous. Elizabeth on the other hand was rather nervous about the situation and guilt began to eat away at her. The guilt had a strong effect on the younger girl. She became rather distracted, and confused. She babbled nonsense, woke up screaming at night, and became weak, refusing or even forgetting to eat. But her guilt did not give her the courage to report to Reverend Parris what was taking place, and so the meetings continued. It  was until a girl, who had to know what trade her sweetheart would be, saw a coffin suspended in the egg white of the bowl, that all hell broke loose. It was then that Elizabeth broke and began to fall into strange episodes or fits of convulsive seizures, blasphemous screaming, and trance-like states (Gribben, Salem). Tituba began to fear foul play and witchcraft had befallen the young girls. She baked a witchs cake that contained the urine of Abigail and Elizabeth and fed it to a dog, hoping the tormentor would be revealed. The dog became distracted and ran o ff, leaving Tituba with a feeling of hopelessness and paranoia. It wasnt until days later that Tituba had been blamed for the witchcraft. Elizabeth was in the middle of a violent fit. Tituba sent Abigail to fetch Reverend Parris while she tried to calm the crazed girl. The Reverend came in and tried to calm the girl as well. He sent for a doctor, but the doctor could not place the cause of fits in Elizabeth or Abigail, who showed the same symptoms days later. The doctor told Parris that the Evil Hand was among them, and left. When Elizabeth began to come to after one of her many spells, Parris asked the girl who it was that hurt her, but she didnt answer. He looked about the room and settled on Tituba. When he asked if Tituba had caused this, Elizabeth repeated the name before going silent. Tituba confessed and Parris had Tituba arrested (Gribben). This wasnt the end of their paranoia; in fact it was only the beginning. Several other Salem girls began having similar fits, and among them was Ann Putnam. Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne were accused of witchcraft, after the Barbados slave Tituba. Sarah Good was just a homeless beggar, and Sarah Osborne was an elderly impoverished woman (Blumberg). The three girls were taken to trial; however, Sarah Good and Sarah Osborne tried to claim their innocence. They were found guilty and taken to jail. Tituba, on the other hand, confessed to practicing and showing the girls witchcraft. Tituba claimed to have seen the Devil and signing his book, and also told of other witches in Salem Village who were seeking to destroy the Puritans. As more and more girls began to suffer from this witchcraft, more and more people were being blamed for the black magic (Blumberg). Most of the people were accused were well known, and some were even liked. The most damning accusation was against Martha Corey, an important member of the Puritan congregation. This accusation sent the Puritan community of Salem Village into a frenzy, fearing that Satans evil  had reached the heart of the community (Salem). The accusations didnt stop though; men, women, and children were still accused and the paranoia was at its highest. Dorothy Dorcas Good was the first and only child at the age of four to be accused of witchcraft. Her timid answers were seen as a confession and she was arrested with her mother, Sarah Good. Dorothy stayed in jail for eight months before she witnessed her mother being taken and hanged (Linder). Accusations began to pile up, and many people were arrested, but no executions had been made until early June. Bridget Bishop was the first person hanged for witchcraft on June 10th, 1692 (Blumberg). After her death, many more witches were put to death by the gallows, on a place soon to be known as Gallows Hill. Five people were hanged in the month of July, five in August, and eight in September. A total of nineteen people had been killed by the gallows (Blumberg). Martha and Giles Corey were both accused of practicing witchcraft and arrested. Giles Corey refused a trial and by the law of their church, had large stones placed on him until he agreed to one. He never did, and was eventually pressed to death with large stones on September 19, 1692, three days before Marthas hanging (Salem). The trials to condemn the accused varied. There were five ways for the people to claim their innocence, but many people were found guilty despite their attempts. The first trial was reciting the Lords Prayer (Witchcraft). If one could not recite the prayer, it was said that Satan was at work and blocked ones tongue from speaking the Word (Gribben). A former pastor, George Burroughs, was accused of witchcraft and tried. He failed his trial in court, and as he was taken out to the gallows, he stopped before the crowd and recited the Lords Prayer word for word. The crowd was taken by shock, but Cotton Mather told them the man had his time in court and he failed. G eorge Burroughs was put to death at the gallows (Linder). The second trial was the search for physical evidence such as warts, birthmarks, moles, and blemishes. These marks were said to be places on which demons suckled on witches to gain their power. The testimony of the accusers against the witches, spectral evidence, and the confession of the witches themselves, were the last three trials against the accused to convict them of witchcraft or send them home (Witchcraft). However, many were convicted and most were found guilty. Some people saw that the confessions were a way to escape the gallows, but would spend time in prison  instead for practicing witchcraft (Linder). Many were still found guilty and put to death by hanging. According to Linder, as many as nineteen accused witches were hanged on Gallows Hill and one man was pressed to death in 1692. The dead are listed as followed, along with their date of death. Bridget Bishop, the first person hanged, died on June 10th, 1692 . Five women died on July 19th, 1692. The women were Rebecca Nurse, Sarah Good, Susannah Martin, Elizabeth Howe, and Sarah Wildes. Four men and one woman were hanged on August 19th, 1692. They were George Burroughs, Martha Carrier, John Willard, George Jacobs, Sr., and John Proctor. Giles Corey was the only death that occurred by being pressed to death on September 19th, 1692. On September 22nd, 1692, Martha Corey, Mary Eastey, Ann Pudeator, Alice Parker, Mary Parker, Wilmott Redd, Margaret Scott, and Samuel Wardwell were hanged. The last four known deaths did not have a known date, but the following people died in prison: Sarah Osborne, Roger Toothaker, Lyndia Dustin, and Ann Foster. Two dogs were also killed, for many believed that Satan could take form of the hounds (Witchcraft). The hysteria, convictions, and condemnations began to seize and die down in the winter months (Salem). Governor Phipps called an end to the witch trials, and relieved all those remaining in prison, after hi s wife had been accused of witchcraft (Blumberg). Over 250 years after the Salem witch trials, the state of Massachusetts found the trials to have been unlawful and the names were cleared of charges. The state gave money to the heirs of the deceased, and apologized for the trials that had taken place (Blumberg).